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Where will you be placed when you arrive at the gates of Swolehalla?
Path to Swolehalla
Male Rankings
Top 1%
Top 5%
Top 10%
Top 25%
Brethren of the Iron Temple
Brethren of the Iron Temple
Top 50%
Aspiring swoledier
Aspiring swoledier
Bottom 50%
Aspiring Brethren of the Iron Temple
Aspiring Brethren of the Iron Temple
Bottom 25%
Female Rankings
Top 1%
Shield Maiden
Shield Maiden
Top 5%
Top 10%
Top 25%
Sister of the Iron Temple
Sister of the Iron Temple
Top 50%
Aspiring swoledier
Aspiring swoledier
Bottom 50%
Aspiring Sister of the Iron Temple
Aspiring Sister of the Iron Temple
Bottom 25%
About Swolehalla
Swolehalla was made to be a fun and motivating website for fitness enthusiasts. The results are based off of various studies on the general population's fitness abilities. However, many of the values are assumptions and best guesses with the available data. Please have fun with the site, but don't take it too seriously it is not intended to be an exact science.
This is an ongoing project that will be improved over time. Including additional workouts, updated studies and new features. The fitness products listed in the profile page have affiliate links, giving us a percentage on sales. This hopefully will help us cover the server and labor costs for the website. Thanks for visiting Swolehalla!
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Extra Thanks
https://www.flaticon.com/ - provided workout icons
https://unsplash.com/ - provided open source images
Privacy Policy
User data is only stored if user signs up for an account to maintain the information for the user. Data is never shared to a third party. User can request to have all their data deleted by emailing ascendingtoswolehalla@gmail.com. Swolehalla.com © 2002 - All rights reserved